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In Loving Memory of Marisa (Hecker) Ellison

On September 18, 2023 the Hannibal Cannibal lost one of its biggest supporters. Marisa (Hecker) Ellison wore many hats throughout the years in her involvement with the Hannibal Cannibal. She was part of the original group who came up with the crazy idea to have runners pay to race up and down Lover’s Leap. From 1996-1998 she served as the race director. In more recent years, she served as the Entertainment Captain, lining up dancers, cheerleaders and bands to pump up the runners for the race. Marisa was also instrumental in the start of the 15K race in 2013.

An avid runner, Marisa participated in all three distances over the years and only missed a few of the races. She had two First Place Overall Women’s Masters wins in the 5K race, 2011 & 2012; three First Place Overall Women’s Masters wins in the 10K race, 2006, 2010 & 2017; two First Place Overall Women’s Masters win in the 15K, 2013 & 2014 and two Second Place Overall Women’s Masters in the 15K, 2015 & 2016. In addition to the overall wins, she also received many medals in her age division.

In 2020, Marisa was awarded the Bob Richards Hannibal Cannibal Legacy Award in recognition of her invaluable support of the Hannibal Cannibal and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. In the midst of her cancer treatments, Marisa was still determined to be a part of the race. Unable to run that year, she enlisted her family and friends to walk it with her.

If heaven has a view of the race, Marisa will surely be cheering everyone on from above.

Gone, but not forgotten, loved and missed!